성균관대학교 이성주교수 연구실 (NDTL, Nanoscale Devices Technology Lab.) 


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Conferences 목록

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Conferences 목록
No Date Title Author Symposium
22 2023-06-28 Ultra-Steep Switching impact Ionization Field-effect Transis… Haeju Choi, Taeho Kang, Chanwoo Kang, Jinshu Li, Euyheon Hwang, Sungjoo Lee 2023 Internaltional Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT)
21 2022-05-11 Two-Dimensional Ferroelectric Heterostructure Field-effectiv… Hyun Ho Yoo, Sungpyo Baek, Prashant Singh, Jingjie Niu, Sungjoo Lee 2022 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
20 2022-05-11 Neuromorphic Synaptic Device Based on Ti3C2Tx MXene Nanoshee… Sungpyo Baek, Jae Hyeok Ju, NIU Jingjie, Jin-Hong Park, and Sungjoo Lee 2022 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
19 2019-12-02 Highly Sensitive Broad-Spectrum Photodetector Fabricated wit… Y. J. Kim, J. Jeon, S. Choi, J.-H. Park and Sungjoo Lee 2019 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
18 2019-12-02 Fabrication of 2D Lateral Metal/Semiconductor junction via S… S. Choi, H. Choi, J. Jeon, J.-H. Park and Sungjoo Lee 2019 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
17 2019-01-18 Chemical Conversion of MoS2 to form Epitaxial Mo2C/MoS2 Meta… J. Jeon, Y. Park, S. Choi, J. Lee, S. S. Lim, B. H. Lee, Y. J. Song, J. H. Cho, Y. H. Jang and Sungjoo Lee NCC 2019
16 2019-01-18 Black Phosphorus p-doing with Density Controllable MoS2 Nano… S. Jeon, M. Kim, J. Jia, J. -H. Park, Y. J. Song and Sungjoo Lee NCC 2019
15 2018-09-12 Non-Volatile Resistive Switching Device Harnessing Recombina… S.K. Jang, J.H. Ju, S. Jeon, W.S. Choe and Sungjoo Lee 2018 SSDM, Tokyo
14 2018-09-12 Mo2C/MoS2 Lateral Heterostructure Formed by Chemical Convers… S. Choi, J. Jeon, Y. J. Song, J. H. Cho, Y. H. Jang and Sungjoo Lee 2018 SSDM, Tokyo
13 2018-05-13 Black Phosphorus p-Doping by Integration of MoS2 Nanoparticl… S. Jeon, M. Kim, J. Jia, J. Park, Y. Song, and Sungjoo Lee 233rd ECS Meeting 2018, Seattle
12 2018-05-13 Synthesis of Molybdenum Carbide and Formation of Epitaxial M… Jaeho Jeon, Seung Hyuk Choi, Byong Hoon Lee, Yuong Jae Song, Yun Hee Jang, and Sungjoo Lee 233rd ECS Meeting 2018, Seattle
11 2017-11-27 Multifunctional Homogeneous Lateral Black Phosphorus Junctio… Jingyuan Jia, Jiao Xu, Jin-Hong Park, Byoung Hun Lee, Euyheon Hwang, and Sungjoo Lee MRS Fall 2017, Boston
10 2017-11-27 Two-Dimensional Ti2CTx Film for Large-Area Transparent Condu… Yajie Yang, Sima Umrao, Shen Lai, and Sungjoo Lee MRS Fall 2017, Boston
9 2016-11-08 Preparation of Layered-Controlled Two-Dimensional Black Phos… Jingyuan Jia, Sung Kyu Jang, Shen Lai, Jiao Xu, and Sungjoo Lee ENGE 2016, Jeju
8 2016-11-06 CVD Synthesis of Size-Controlled Monolayer MoS2 Nanoparticle… Jaeho Jeon, Jinhee Lee, Gwangwe Yoo, Jin-Hong Park, Yun Hee Jang, Sungjoo Lee ENGE 2016, Jeju
7 2016-07-05 Integration of 2D Materials for Nanoelectronic Devices Jaeho Jeon, Shen Lai, Jingyuan Jia, Sung Kyu Jang, and Sungjoo Lee MRS Singapore 2016
6 2016-02-22 Size Tunable Growth of Monolayer MoS2 Nano-particles and Its… Jaeho Jeon, Seung Hyuk Choi, Gwangwe Yoo, Sung Kyu Jang, Jin-Hong Park, and Sungjoo Lee KCS 2016, Jeongseon
5 2015-07-02 Preparation and properties of two-dimensional black phosphor… Jingyuan Jia, Sungkyu Jang, Shen Lai, Jiao Xu, Jin-Hong Park, and Sungjoo Lee Nano Korea 2015, Seoul
4 2015-05-06 Synthesis of Layer-Controlled Large-Area High-Quality MoS2 F… Jaeho Jeon, Su Min Jeon, Gwangwe Yoo, Jin-Hong Park, Sungjoo Lee MRS srping 2015, San Francisco
3 2014-11-11 Grain Size Controlled Molybdenum Disulfide 2-Dimensional Lay… Jaeho Jeon, Sung Kyu Jang, Su Min Jeon, and Sungjoo Lee HyMap 2014, Busan
2 2014-07-08 Towards the Control of Grain Size and the Continuous Layer G… Jaeho Jeon and Sungjoo Lee ICMAP 2014, Gunsan
1 2013-10-07 Chemical vapor deposition of 2-D Molybdenum Disulfide on sur… Jaeho Jeon, Ji Ho Yang, Ji Eun Lee, and Sungjoo Lee IWC-CM&NP 2013, Suwon
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