성균관대학교 이성주교수 연구실 (NDTL, Nanoscale Devices Technology Lab.) 


> Members > Professor


Lee Sungjoo


Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
SAINT (SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology)


Department Head of SAINT

Education History:

Degree University, Department Year
Ph.D University of Texas at Austin, Electrical Engineering 2002
Master University of Texas at Austin, Electrical Engineering 2000
B.S Seoul National University, Electrical Engineering 1989

Employment History:

Period Position Company / Institution
2011-present Professor Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
SAINT (SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology)
2003-2010 Professor National University of Singapore, Electrical and Computer Engineering
2002-2003 Researcher
National Institute of AIST (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Japan
1998-2002 Researcher Microelectronic Research Lab, University of Texas at Austin
1989-1998 Senior
Samsung Electro-mechanics R&D Center, Korea

Research areas/interest

  • Advanced nanoscale materials and devices for future data centric computing devices
  • Synthesis and characterization of 0/1/2-D heterogeneous nanomaterial systems
  • Post-Si information processing/storage devices and optoelectronic devices
  • Semiconductor device physics and process technologies
  • Research output highlights:

    −Authored >300 international refereed journal and conference papers

    −Citations: >10,000

    −H-index: 54

    −Invited presentation at >50 international conferences